SID international selection
In the spring of 2020, Shakespeare is Dead asked over 100 international theatre professionals the following question: which voice, which international author or which play deserves to be translated into Dutch and introduced in our theatre field?
A total of 97 plays were submitted, by 74 different authors, from 43 different countries and 31 different language areas. After reading all the plays (in English, French, German or Spanish), a selection committee drew up a longlist of 30 texts, from which these were eventually chosen.
Burkina Faso * Aristide Tarnagda * Façons d'aimer
Canada * Chelsea Woolley * Enormity, Girl, and the Earthquake in Her Lungs
China * Si'an Chen * Underpass
Germany * Maria Milisavljevic * Beben
Finland * Pipsa Lonka * Second Nature
Cameroon * Edouard Elvis Bvouma * Not koko's notes
Kosovo * Jeton Neziraj * Department of dreams
Slovenia * Simona Semenic * We, the european corpses
UK * Jasmine Lee-Jones * Seven Methods of killing Kylie Jenner
These texts and authors will be presented to the public at the festival in February. In dutch translation during staged readings and in the domestic language during readings in the living rooms of the international community in Leuven.