In Flanders and the Netherlands, there are many educational programmes where students can develop into professional playwrights. This article provides an overview.
Listen to the kick-off event of Shakespeare is dead that deBuren transformed into a podcast that is available via Soundcloud.
Worldwide, there are multiple residency possibilities for Dutch and Flemish playwrights.
In Flanders and the Netherlands, there are a number of publishing houses that focus specifically on the publication of new theatre texts.
Playwright Edna Azulay wrote a statement about the state of playwriting in Flanders and the Netherlands. This is a Dutch text.
Playwright Peter Anthonissen wrote a statement about the state of playwriting in Flanders and the Netherlands. This is a Dutch text.
Playwright Dounia Mahammed wrote a statement about the state of playwriting in Flanders and the Netherlands. This is a Dutch text.