Platform online
The international playwriting festival Shakespeare is dead aims to put contemporary Dutch-language playwright in the spotlight and be a meeting place to discover international work. Shakespeare is dead is the very first festival in the Dutch language area that focuses on the art of playwriting.
In anticipation of the festival, which has been moved to February 2022, we proudly present this website. Over the past months we have developed a unique digital platform that collects all information on the art of playwriting. The website maps the world of playwriting and serves as a knowledge base where playwrights, but also other interested parties, can find all kinds of information about publishers, residencies, awards, training and so on. There is both a concise overview and a series of long-read articles that go deeper into the organizations, trainings, residencies... from the network. Moreover, the Shakespeare is Dead platform keeps you up to date with the latest news and events from the world of theater writing.
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