In association with Flanders Literature, Flanders Arts Institute, Performing Arts Fund NL, SABAM and deAuteurs

In the READING ROOM, excerpts from the 20 theatre texts of the international and Dutch-language selection will be presented in staged readings by actors.
The Dutch-language selection will be read in English. Dutch, French and German translations of the excerpts are available as far as possible.
The International selection will be read in Dutch. English, French and German translations of the fragments are available as far as possible.

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After each READING ROOM of authors from Dutch-speaking selections, we offer the opportunity for (international) professionals to briefly meet the authors, ask questions and exchange contact details.

You can register for such a MEET&GREET in advance or immediately after the lectures in the READING ROOM.

Age of Rage
Jibbe Willems

Jibbe Willems is a Dutch theatre author, adaptor and translator. His play ‘Age of Rage’ is about a combative girl who tries with all her might to get ahead but keeps getting pulled down. She wants to be heard but no one listens.

Here We Go Again (White Male Privilige)
Annelies Verbeke

Annelies Verbeke is a Belgian author of prose and theatre texts. In the play ‘Here We Go Again (White Male Privilege)’, three white Western-European colleagues try to define their role in the racism debate. Gradually, they sink further and further into a moral quagmire, where fatigue and hypersensitivity are always around the corner. A performance about the privileged position of white people and their lack of sense of it.

Love Decleration (forever)
Magne van den Berg

Magne van den Berg is a Dutch playwright and used to direct her own pieces. ‘Love Declaration (forever)’, a shadow version of Peter Handke’s ‘Publikumsbeschimpfung’, is a declaration of love by four experienced actors to their audiences.