Jibbe Willems - Age of Rage
Jibbe Willems is a theatre author, adaptor and translator for various companies in the Dutch-speaking world and sometimes abroad.
He does not limit himself to one genre, but investigates the form and function of language for different audiences. Sometimes large, sometimes small, sometimes young, sometimes older, from theatre to opera, from Internationaal Theater Amsterdam to De Parade. He writes drama, youth theatre, librettos and texts for musical theatre in a multitude of styles. Willems employs a raw idiom, has no need for neatly plastered poetry, and in each piece he undertakes an investigation into the form and function of language. His work has been translated and performed in Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Suriname, the Czech Republic, Mexico, the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, China, Egypt, Slovenia, and Belgium. He is a house writer at theatre group Maastricht, has a weekly radio column at De Ochtend van Vier, has twice been nominated for the Toneelschrijfprijs, won the ARTES Jongtheaterschrijfprijs, two silver and one golden cricket, the Dutch-German Kaas und Kappes prize and the Belgian DeAuteursprijs.
There is an angry girl in a police cell. She is sixteen years old and she is smart. Smarter than her parents and smarter than most people. She thinks about things and the world and life and so on. She doesn't mince words, she is afraid her future will explode. She has - she believes - hardly done anything; she only threw a cake in the face of a politician. Yet she was worked to the ground, arrested and detained. This only makes her angrier, and she already had so much reason to be angry: her parents have been going through a divorce for a year, she is debt-ridden, and every time she tries to form an opinion, it is forced down her throat by psychologists, teachers and classmates. Age of Rage is about a combative girl who tries with all her might to get ahead but keeps getting pulled down. About a girl who wants to be heard but no one listens.